
I am extremely particular when doing cosmetic procedures. Whether it is simple bonding or veneer placement, I will not let the patient leave until they are absolutely thrilled with the work they have received.
When this comes to the front teeth, whether it be one tooth or a set of ten, I am unrelenting on this. I do not want you to leave my office without it looking perfect. I almost never try to match the shade in my office. There are so many inherent colors and characterizations in a tooth that can only be captured in a photograph. Therefore, most times when a person is getting teeth done in the front, they go to visit the lab technician who will make their teeth. The lab technician will take a series of photographs and will talk to them about what they want the smile to look like. They often bring magazine pictures of smiles that they find attractive.
One of my goals with cosmetic work is to make it look natural. I hate big white teeth. While I will give you what you want, I will encourage you to get something that looks clean, attractive, white and natural.
Even after going to the lab, the final product often still needs fine tuning. So I tell them on the day that the final teeth are going in to plan to be with us the entire day. When they arrive I put the teeth in with a temporary cement and have them go outside into the natural light and look at them. I encourage them to bring a friend who will give them an honest opinion. About half of the time, the teeth are perfect. The other half need to be fine tuned. Those patients then go back to the lab for a few hours to get them perfected before we put them in.
We will never try to convince you that your teeth look good. If you do not like them then we will fix the problem. We will work feverishly to make sure they are exactly what you want. Because of this system, I cannot think of any patients who have been unhappy with the cosmetic work they received in our office.
Cosmetic dentistry of this caliber is expensive. However, like everything else in my office, I always try to keep your costs in mind when doing cosmetic procedures, and I will do everything in my power to keep your costs to a minimum without compromising on the quality of the work.